How to Tell Fake News is Fake News

Brianna Kinsey
2 min readApr 12, 2021

We see so often stories and articles floating around on the internet. Places like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc.. and it is so easy to share it with just the click of a button. You should reconsider before you share. There are interesting ways to tell whether something is true or not and I will share an interesting and helpful method to assist you with discerning whether something is true.

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Consider the CRAAP method as touched on in the previous video. CRAAP stands for currency, reliability, authenticity, accuracy, and purpose. This can be a very helpful resource to allow you to navigate through all the CRAAP. Keep reading to understand a little better.


You need to make sure you are keeping in mind how recent something is. The timelines of the information can be crucial to how it can be received and then continue being spread.


Taking this into account is another component of the method and a very important one at that. You have to ask yourself if you have checked other sources other than the one you are looking at directly to double check on the potential fake news.


Authority is always important in all situations and we should always stay mindful of it. Who even wrote this article or story? Are they credible or is the URL from the article source seem reliable? Credible journalists are important to spot. Those questions can help you reach a mature knowledge of the news.


An easy way to tell if something could be accurate is paying close attention to wether there is solid proven evidence to back up claims made. Accuracy tends to be “free from emotion” and biased statements.


Why am I even reading this article and what is the purpose? A good thing to keep in mind while reading the potential fake news is if you are gaining anyting from this or could anyone else gain anything from this. If there isn’t any intentions being made clear you might want to check it. has been known for unbiased news. Search with a purpose!

To conclude, anyone and everyone can agree that it is important to find accurate and reliable information no matter how naive or ignorant you chose to be. This method may be a little extensive but can help swerve information that just happens to be proven untrue. CRAAP can be a great resource in double checking things that seem to be biased and potentially fake news. Check yourself!

